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Comparison Chart & Ingredients Overview 



European Organic Formulas are produced without using any toxic substances. The ingredients are safe and natural, nutritious and whole. No pesticides, no chemical fertilizer, no GMO's!


Holle CowFromCertificationsPrebiotics & ProbioticsWheyStarchAdded LactoseMaltodextrinARA & DHA Oils
Holle PRE birth EU Organic & Demeter
Holle Stage 1 birth EU Organic & Demeter
Holle Stage 2 7 month EU Organic & Demeter
Holle Stage 3 10 month EU Organic & Demeter
Holle Stage 4 12 month EU Organic
Holle Goat From Certifications Prebiotics & Probiotics Whey Starch Added Lactose Maltodextrin ARA & DHA Oils
Holle Goat Stage 1 birth EU Organic
Holle Goat Stage 2 7 month EU Organic
Holle Goat Stage 3 10 month EU Organic
Lebenswert From Certifications Prebiotics & Probiotics Whey Starch Added Lactose Maltodextrin ARA & DHA Oils
Lebenswert Stage 1 birth EU Organic & Bioland
Lebenswert Stage 2 7 month EU Organic & Bioland
Lebenswert Stage 3 10 month EU Organic & Bioland
HiPP Combiotic From Certifications Prebiotics & Probiotics Whey Starch Added Lactose Maltodextrin ARA & DHA Oils
HiPP Combiotic PRE birth EU Organic
HiPP Combiotic Stage 1 birth EU Organic
HiPP Combiotic Stage 2 7 month EU Organic
HiPP Combiotic Stage 3 10 month EU Organic
HiPP Hypoallergenic From   Prebiotics & Probiotics Whey Starch Added Lactose Maltodextrin ARA & DHA Oils
HiPP HA PRE birth  
HiPP HA Stage 1 birth  
HiPP HA Stage 2 7 month  

ngredients Overview



Prebiotics & Probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria, and Prebiotics are indigestible fibers that improve good bacteria’s growth in the intestine. In other words, Prebiotics are food for the Probiotics. Both are found in breast milk and help support your child’s digestive balance for a healthy tummy.

Research has shown that Probiotics may be helpful in preventing and treating dermatitis or eczema and Probiotics may help improve immune responses. 




Organic baby formulas have whey protein instead of synthetic proteins. Whey protein is the much healthier option and is more digestible and clean compared to soy protein and synthetic alternatives. Whey and casein are the two main types of protein in infant formula and in breast milk.

Cow’s milk protein is 20% whey and 80% casein while human milk is 60% whey and 40% casein. That's why cow milk formula has additional whey added. 




Lactose is a disaccharide composed of glucose and galactose. It is the main carbohydrate found in breastmilk. Cow milk has a much lower amount of lactose.

Breast milk is naturally sweet, so formulas invariably contain added sugars. In order to approximate breastmilk, it is usually considered the sweetener of choice for baby formulas.




Without the use of Malodextrin, the formula would contain more lactose (milk sugar) and have a more sweet taste. Some infants are sensitive to high doses of lactose. The mild complex structure of malodextrin makes it easy to digest, less sweet and keeps infants engry level while keeping them satisfied longer, this is because its slower to digest.

Parents are often concerned about maltodextrin being added to formula as a sweetener but maltodextrin is either moderately sweet or almost flavorless.  




Much like Maltodextrin, it is added to formulas as a necessary source of carbohydrates, and as a thickener. It provides a more sustainable energy level and tends to fill a baby’s growing tummy up more which is why a few formula brands have the addition of starch at the 6+ months stage.

If you are concerned that your baby may be sensitive to starch, as it is sometimes difficult for young babies to digest, most of our PRE and Stage 1 formulas do not contain starch. 



ARA & DHA Oils

DHA stands for docosahexanoic acid – This is a fatty acid that is involved in many processes in the body and is especially used in high amounts for infant eye and brain development. DHA is a long chain omega 3 fatty acid.

ARA stands for arachidonic acid – This is also a fatty acid that is involved in the production of many different signals in the body and plays a role in regulating inflammation. ARA is a long chain omega 6 fatty acid.

Naturally occurring oils from food, food-based oils, and mom’s diet is highly beneficial, but some studies have shown no benefits when ARA & DHA are added to formula.





 We are happy to help, should you have any questions or require individual help: click here

 ☎ 1-800-704-9910 

Toll Free Service Phone for USA and Canada 



Comparison Chart &  Ingredients Overview     European Organic Formulas are produced without using any toxic substances. The ingredients are safe and natural,... read more »
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Comparison Chart & Ingredients Overview 



European Organic Formulas are produced without using any toxic substances. The ingredients are safe and natural, nutritious and whole. No pesticides, no chemical fertilizer, no GMO's!


Holle CowFromCertificationsPrebiotics & ProbioticsWheyStarchAdded LactoseMaltodextrinARA & DHA Oils
Holle PRE birth EU Organic & Demeter
Holle Stage 1 birth EU Organic & Demeter
Holle Stage 2 7 month EU Organic & Demeter
Holle Stage 3 10 month EU Organic & Demeter
Holle Stage 4 12 month EU Organic
Holle Goat From Certifications Prebiotics & Probiotics Whey Starch Added Lactose Maltodextrin ARA & DHA Oils
Holle Goat Stage 1 birth EU Organic
Holle Goat Stage 2 7 month EU Organic
Holle Goat Stage 3 10 month EU Organic
Lebenswert From Certifications Prebiotics & Probiotics Whey Starch Added Lactose Maltodextrin ARA & DHA Oils
Lebenswert Stage 1 birth EU Organic & Bioland
Lebenswert Stage 2 7 month EU Organic & Bioland
Lebenswert Stage 3 10 month EU Organic & Bioland
HiPP Combiotic From Certifications Prebiotics & Probiotics Whey Starch Added Lactose Maltodextrin ARA & DHA Oils
HiPP Combiotic PRE birth EU Organic
HiPP Combiotic Stage 1 birth EU Organic
HiPP Combiotic Stage 2 7 month EU Organic
HiPP Combiotic Stage 3 10 month EU Organic
HiPP Hypoallergenic From   Prebiotics & Probiotics Whey Starch Added Lactose Maltodextrin ARA & DHA Oils
HiPP HA PRE birth  
HiPP HA Stage 1 birth  
HiPP HA Stage 2 7 month  

ngredients Overview



Prebiotics & Probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria, and Prebiotics are indigestible fibers that improve good bacteria’s growth in the intestine. In other words, Prebiotics are food for the Probiotics. Both are found in breast milk and help support your child’s digestive balance for a healthy tummy.

Research has shown that Probiotics may be helpful in preventing and treating dermatitis or eczema and Probiotics may help improve immune responses. 




Organic baby formulas have whey protein instead of synthetic proteins. Whey protein is the much healthier option and is more digestible and clean compared to soy protein and synthetic alternatives. Whey and casein are the two main types of protein in infant formula and in breast milk.

Cow’s milk protein is 20% whey and 80% casein while human milk is 60% whey and 40% casein. That's why cow milk formula has additional whey added. 




Lactose is a disaccharide composed of glucose and galactose. It is the main carbohydrate found in breastmilk. Cow milk has a much lower amount of lactose.

Breast milk is naturally sweet, so formulas invariably contain added sugars. In order to approximate breastmilk, it is usually considered the sweetener of choice for baby formulas.




Without the use of Malodextrin, the formula would contain more lactose (milk sugar) and have a more sweet taste. Some infants are sensitive to high doses of lactose. The mild complex structure of malodextrin makes it easy to digest, less sweet and keeps infants engry level while keeping them satisfied longer, this is because its slower to digest.

Parents are often concerned about maltodextrin being added to formula as a sweetener but maltodextrin is either moderately sweet or almost flavorless.  




Much like Maltodextrin, it is added to formulas as a necessary source of carbohydrates, and as a thickener. It provides a more sustainable energy level and tends to fill a baby’s growing tummy up more which is why a few formula brands have the addition of starch at the 6+ months stage.

If you are concerned that your baby may be sensitive to starch, as it is sometimes difficult for young babies to digest, most of our PRE and Stage 1 formulas do not contain starch. 



ARA & DHA Oils

DHA stands for docosahexanoic acid – This is a fatty acid that is involved in many processes in the body and is especially used in high amounts for infant eye and brain development. DHA is a long chain omega 3 fatty acid.

ARA stands for arachidonic acid – This is also a fatty acid that is involved in the production of many different signals in the body and plays a role in regulating inflammation. ARA is a long chain omega 6 fatty acid.

Naturally occurring oils from food, food-based oils, and mom’s diet is highly beneficial, but some studies have shown no benefits when ARA & DHA are added to formula.





 We are happy to help, should you have any questions or require individual help: click here

 ☎ 1-800-704-9910 

Toll Free Service Phone for USA and Canada 



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